Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Cleansing Power

I had a delicious salad today, but spilled a small spot of salad dressing on my new shirt.  Here's what happens when one reaches for the "Shout" fabric spot remover but instead grabs the "Clorox Clean-up."

I scolded myself a bit for not paying closer attention and lamenting my new shirt (maybe I can spray the rest of it?),  but now I'm thinking about the Atonement.  I'm still trying to figure out how this properly and reverently has to do with the Atonement, but it has me thinking, has me grateful, and has me more aware of the Cleansing and Refining Power.  Maybe it's because I attended BYU's lovely "Sacred Gifts" exhibit this morning just before I had my salad, and my mind and my heart are focused on the Savior, His extraordinary life, and His divine gift.

Hopefully one of these days I can focus on Him and my actions, all at the same time.

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