Friday, May 9, 2014

I Always Knew Mark Was a Heartthrob. . .

Tuesday night Mark had some chest pains.  We took a little trip to the hospital and he ended up with two stents.  I'm grateful for quite a few things this week.  Here are just a few:
- Mark was willing to go get checked.
- Mark's consistent exercise, which he plans to continue.
- Mark's decision to eat more plants.
- My decision to plan healthier meals.
- Dr. Bingham, our new-found cardiologist.
- Modern medical technology.
- Even though perhaps Mark would have loved to spend Mother's Day in heaven with his sweet mother whom we really miss, I'm so glad he is here to spend it with us.  I'm not ready for him to go yet.

My own heart still flutters when he walks in the room.

I am so grateful for the goals he set this week, which the nurse wrote on the whiteboard in his hospital room.  He accomplished both.


  1. So grateful for both of you! You bless our life!

  2. Prayers are coming your way from our household!
